Aspirant Education

Women Empowerment

You can change someone's life by contributing.

Aspirant Education

Every journey begins with a simple step. One action of work, one supporting word, one contribution of kindness is often all it stands to bring faith where it’s required most. Over the 16 last years, the affection of the Aspirant education has built up. We today have an opportunity to change our nation. That’s why we’re strengthening our service around our cause’s areas of need. These Causes present powerful challenges to humankind, and we believe it’s our turn to match them.

Our Mission

Women Empowerment

We are primarily focusing on the development and empowerment of women and youth who are located in the rural slums by educating them, bringing the skills and jobs that help them to have a more sustainable way of life & better livelihood opportunities. As per the general examination, many of these youth and women do not find any job to do nor have the skills to do anything. Some of them manage as domestic laborers, and as daily wage laborers in factories. The conditions or material state in which inferior youth/women live is portrayed by low wages, poor nutrition, and lack of access to health care, Food education, and training.

We inspire to be Aspirant. The relief from the clutches of injustice and adolescent workers. Aspirant education vowed to right these wrongs and assures that the human rights of these women and children are no longer violated.

Our women’s development program Nari Shakti is designed to provide comprehensive benefits to impoverished women through a learning program practical knowledge and personality development programs as well as skill development to provide placement opportunities.

If a woman is educated the whole generation will be educated.

It is a familiar thing to look at that many are not capable of getting their education, do not get decent jobs, or don’t have skills to earn, which leads to their lower economic condition. They are dependent on others or they are powerless to support their families. By providing vocational training to the girls and women, we can help them a step further by achieving things on their own and earning their bread and livelihood. With vocational training, women can get economically empowered even when they do not have any proper job. They can start their business and sell things from home, get a job as a data entry operator, manufacturing units’ supervisor, beauticians, stitching business, etc.

Resolving these problems could pay a big difference by promoting overall economic growth and improving women’s well-being,

Vocational Training Centre

The Vocational Training Centre provides women from the community, such as girls who have dropped out of school, former female sex laborers, and uneducated women, the space to learn beautician skills, stitching skills, marketing skills. The Centre is open every day, classes are free of cost and conducted to a woman who wants to develop these skills. This training provides women with an alternative source of income and additional profit for their households. This skill to support and provide for themselves and their families is a significant step in empowering them to take authority over their lives.

Aspirant’s popular courses for women empowerment

Stitching skill development course.

Aspirant education started the Stitching Training Centre in 2007 with two non-electric sewing tools, sewing supplies, textiles, and a small salary for a part-time sewing teacher. Now, 100’s young women have graduated from the Indian Aspirants sewing program with moneymaking skills, and a certificate of talent is proof of their skills. The program is famous. The sewing center at Ajmer provides training for up to 250 women at a purpose-built center in Rajasthan. The center contributes a powerful supportive situation for the women to get positive skills.

Aspirant provides a sewing machine that can deliver the successful trainee with an independent source of earning.

Beautician skill development course.

Under this program, more than 100 girls of rural areas are creating self-satisfactory careers by the vocational skill of beauticians. It helps the women to self-employment opportunities and develops their living. 100+ women have qualified for this program. These services offer time flexibility and the choice to operate. With the advancement of beauty consciousness in rural areas, many women enrol in beautician courses to become self-employed. Interestingly, the majority of the aspirants are from rural townships.

We train in this course how to do facial, hair cutting, pedicure, makeup, bridal makeups, scrubbing, manicure, applying Mehndi, and many more skills. We at Aspirant education Foundation were started in 2007, to bring vocational skills which provide determination to women from economically underdeveloped families and help them gain monetary and social independence.

Impact Made

After discussions with beauticians, some trainees are ready to open small business units at home and earn money. Most of the trainees picked up jobs related to beauticians. The 50 women will be enhancing their skills and living in every batch. The women will get balanced living through beauty parlor training, whereby disadvantaged women will get opportunities for higher schooling. These young women will grow into empowered and self-dependent.

Food skill development course.

The culture of a society is known and remembered through food. Every state will add value to its traditional cuisine. It is everybody’s commitment to supporting our traditional food. Aspirant education offers a skill development course that gives a detailed understanding of our food culture and legacy. Skills blend tasty food and the ancient Indian Custom enchantments that make up a beautiful cooking skill training with various kinds of Indian spices. This expertise will encourage you to improve your home-cooking skills. Without sabotaging our traditions, this skill development program is given to the rural women to be attentive to our traditional food habits.

We teach women professionally to become an expert and develop into women entrepreneurs. After the training we provide a completion certificate, we help women to settle. Thus, they become financially independent and can work for self-growth.

Aspirant education supports socially poor and underprivileged rural women in developing their careers, finding them jobs or businesses to earn their livelihoods.